CONSUMER PROTECTION | Order 539/2024 on consumer informing on the marketing of pre-packaged products whose volume or weight has decreased

CONSUMER PROTECTION | Order 539/2024 on consumer informing on the marketing of pre-packaged products whose volume or weight has decreased

1. Overview National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) issued on May 14, 2024 an order (” Order 539/2024”) aiming to ensure that consumers are accurately informed when pre-packaged products experience a reduction in volume or weight while the price remains unchanged. Order 539/2024 was published…

Implementation Of Regulation (EU) 452/2019

Implementation Of Regulation (EU) 452/2019

Publication in the Official Gazette of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 46/2022 on measures to implement Regulation (EU) 452/2019 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 March 2019 establishing a framework for the examination of foreign direct investment in the Union and for…

Decision no. 564 / 11 November 2021 entered into force on 24 December 2021

Decision no. 564 / 11 November 2021 entered into force on 24 December 2021

Decision for the approval of the Norms on the regulation, recognition, approval or acceptance of the procedure for the remote identification of persons via video means Decision no. 564 / 11 November 2021 issued by the Authority for the Digitization of Romania (the “Authority”) approving…